SEO Tag Tester by Ezoic



Written by Ezoic

SEO is one of the most important parts of running a successful website. However, it is also one of the most difficult aspects–it’s always been a moving target and publishers are often not privy to what exactly goes into the search algorithm.

A vital part of SEO is title tags and descriptions. These are what show up in search results and what users ultimately will use to decide to click on your article or not. Ensuring that these are optimized is critical to important metrics.

Testing title tags is important because it is often the first impression a user has to a website and can greatly increase CTR (click-through rate). Indexed titles are a contextual ranking factor, which means search engines will rank titles with relevant content higher than titles that have mismatched content.

Ezoic has a groundbreaking, exclusive tool that helps publishers decide the best tags for their website. This tool looks at real data acquired from pages indexed in Google and then uses that information to provide the best tags to users using artificial intelligence. The tool, formally called SEO Tag Tester, has helped many publishers make data-driven decisions about their content.

Recently, Ezoic has rolled out an update for SEO Tag Tester and improved its functionality. Ezoic customers that have used the tool before will notice an updated frontend, but there is another important improvement as well. Customers who use SEO Tag Tester will now also be able to test descriptions in addition to titles.

The way SEO Tag Tester works is that a publisher can create experiments. Within those experiments, there are multiple trials with different titles and descriptions to see which combination provides the best metrics. Publishers can create groups to organize the experiments and choose from popular pages, search by URL, or import pages from a CSV.

Testing takes a week to two weeks to fully complete but once it is completed, SEO Tag Tester will show which title and description performs the best average search result ranking in Google Search. The test is literally comparing the page titles with countless other page titles across a multitude of other websites on the internet, determining which titles and descriptions combinations work best. Simply adjusting your page titles could lead to a significant boost in search engine rankings. 

Once the test is completed, you can see results for each trial and a breakdown of the test, including best scoring title, average pageviews per visit, average ranking, bounce rate, and click-through rate. From there, you can decide whether you want the original title and description to show or if you would like the one with the best metrics to show.

Sites must be fully integrated with Ezoic and have Google Search Console authorized in your Ezoic dashboard in order to use SEO Tag Tester. However, from there, it is very easy. Simply start a New Test Group, add pages of your website to test, and click Add to run a test for those pages.

To try Ezoic’s SEO Tag Tester, ensure you go to the website and click Get Started in the upper right hand corner to get an account started.